Sensitivity - Why Personal Development Is Impossible For You Right Now

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hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this video I want to share with you a concept that maybe you haven't thought about before and this is the idea if you're doing personal development and you really want to get to that self-actualized point that I keep droning on and on about what you really need to do to get this to that point is you need to develop a greater sensitivity to what your mind and your body is telling it so I'm going to give you a few examples so I can really illustrate what I mean by this and what it really means to develop what I call a palette for life a better palette for life so when I started biohacking which I got into a few years ago I started that because I heard Dave Asprey the bulletproof exact standard of talking about biohacking this idea that you can start to get better performance from your mind from your body by doing things like exercising in certain ways playing around and testing your nutrition and then looking at various supplements and other basically life hacks that you can add into your life and into your routine to get more performance out of your body and so I started to ploy it play around with this I got really excited about it and I was doing bio hacking for awhile and I still love to do that but one of the biggest things I learned from his bulletproof diet and you go to bulletproof exact comm and see more about what what Dave Asprey is about but I really got on track I studied a lot of that stuff got really involved with that and then branched out into other diets and looking into other bio hacks but what I learned from that whole process I think is not so much the specific diet which I actually kind of backed off of but what I learned is looking at him as an example of how he does biohacking and how other biohackers work is that they have a very keen sense of awareness about what's happening to themselves right because there's really two ways to get feedback one way is objective way for example you can get an EEG machine electroencephalogram attach it to your brain and you can literally sit and do conscious thought or do meditation and see it graphed out on a computer monitor and then you can see what's actually happening that gives you feedback which allows you to quickly learn and adapt and to get better results we kind of want the same thing but we want it in your in your mind to be happening when you're doing personal development what I've realized over the years is that our palate for life has really been blown out by culture and the media and I'm going to get into that in a second but just to wrap up my story with the biohacking in the bulletproof diet what I learned from Dave Asprey is that he's very sensitive I don't know if he's just sensitive biologically or whatever but when you listen to him and you listen to some of the ways that he does biohacking like he's very sensitive for example to presence of mold presence of mold like he'll talk about an example where he's walking down the subway and you can literally smell the mold and he sees that the mold has a negative effect on his cognitive performance personally I can't get I don't have that sensitivity to mold so it's hard for me to get that same kind of effect going I don't know what it is about him but what I've noticed is that biohackers have to be sensitive because you take a supplement right let's say you take some fish oil or you take some other kind of supplement you take some vitamin C you take this you take that and maybe you're experimenting with your diet and what's important if you're trying to get better results is to notice the effect because when you try something out and it's something that hasn't been really scientifically validated it's something a little bit on the edge in the gray zone of whether we know that it works or doesn't and whether it works for you you have to have a sensitivity to whether it's working and the effect that it has and a lot of these things the problem with them is that they're very subtle me for example when I started taking a lot of supplements I got into supplement experimentation right now taking like 50 different supplements every day but one of the challenges I had is that I was taking this stuff but I wasn't really feeling it in my body I wasn't feeling the effect so it's kind of just going off of theories that I was reading online studies research but I wasn't really feeling it and some of these biohackers claim that they have developed better awareness so that when you put your attention on these things you feel a little bit more and I've been noticing in myself that this is something that you can develop it's like a sixth sense it's developing a better palette and it's about taking that supplement and then seeing seeing what is the subtle effect and a lot of times that effect can be very very subtle what is a subtle effect that it has on your workout does it give you a little bit more juice a little bit more energy when you're working out does it make your joints less achy does it make you recover better does it grow your muscles faster right noticing these very slight changes does it make you less prone to colds does it make your cold last long shorter or does it reduce the severity of them so kind of noticing these things or maybe when you're working and you're doing something creative noticing the effect of a brain supplement another thing that I got into was nootropics which is taking supplements to enhance brain performance and creativity and there it's also subtle because a lot of times you'll take these various supplements like ginkgo and huperzine and and other ones like that and you're not quite sure if it has an effect and so you have to sometimes put your will put a lot of attention on it and try to develop a bit of an awareness as to whether this thing is working or not and maybe it's working in a negative way maybe it's working in a positive way how much so developing this sense because when you have that kind of sense it's much easier to do biohacking and I see personal development as kind of a form of biohacking it's more like mind hacking it's trying to get better performance in your life try and create a more fulfilling life for yourself trying to create more success by using various psychological techniques and understanding yourself better and so what I think you need to develop if you're really trying to become self actualized is more of a subtlety in how you evaluate the different things that you're putting in place into your life for example what is the effect of meditation on your the quality of your life do you know have you actually tried it out and if you do try it out you know it's a subtle effect when you first sit down and start doing meditation for 20 minutes every day it's not that long 20 minutes but it's still pretty tough to get through that what is the effect of that if you do that for a couple of weeks what is the effect of it if you do it for a month two months those effects can be quite subtle and a lot of people because their palates have been blown out by media and by society and by expectations unrealistic expectations what they do is they kind of mist subtle effects and I'm going to talk a little bit about this blowing out of the palate in a second but let me continue on so meditation is one example you know supplements if you're taking supplements that's basically a form of biohacking looking at the effects that that can have what about food though what about your diet do you notice the effects of diet do you notice for example if you wake up in the morning and you have a high carbohydrate high sugar diet like maybe you eat a bowl of cereal or you'd a candy bar or protein bar do you notice how that impacts your first few hours of performance at work do you notice that you notice maybe that there's an influence on your mood does it impact your your your tendency for depression does it make you more anxious does it make you happier you get a sugar high that you can work off of really hard but then it kind of crashes you know what are the effects and I'm not saying that it it's necessarily all negative there could be positive effects negative effects I don't know the question is are you aware of those are you looking for them right and the other one of course is media like things like television internet gossip tabloids the news what effect does that have on your consciousness I think it has a really profound effect but it can also be quite subtle and there's a bit of a paradox there and that these things can be subtle yet they can still have big effects right because if you're always watching TV if you're always watching commercials and you're hanging out negative friends and you're eating low-quality food and you have these negative habits in place you're not taking care of your body what's happening is that all that is actually producing a big effect in your life it's actually dragging your life down it's dragging your consciousness down it's making you underperform really and then you don't know why you're unfulfilled but the effect that can be subtle because it all adds up subtly all these little things add up and they produce a big effect there's a bit of a paradox there but not really because if you think about it's kind of like that that old example of boiling a frog right if you take a frog supposedly and you put in a boiling hot cauldron of water he's going to immediately jump out if it's already boiling and you just put him in there because he's going to notice and he can be very sensitive to the difference the difference between where he's at right now room temperature and you know a hundred fifty degrees boiling water or whatever temperature attack the difference there is gonna be huge and so he's gonna he's going to jump out immediately but if you put him in two lukewarm water and then you slowly crank up the heat over a span of thirty minutes then the so the story goes that frog is going to boil he's not even going to jump out even though the temperature's rising is rising is rising eventually is going to rot raise to that same hundred fifty degrees he's not going to notice it because it was subtle it wasn't that dramatic and that's kind of what's happening here that's kind of what happens when you go down this negative downward spiral as I call it of for example feeding your consciousness your mind with low-grade information so if you're watching a lot of reality TV if you're looking at a lot of gossip on the internet if you're following celebrity news if you're following politics and all the all the negative stuff that goes on there if you're fighting following war stories and all the negative stories of the news if you're doing that then it's slowly you don't even notice the effect it slowly just kind of takes you lower and lower and lower and what actually happens is that the effect in your life though is pretty big because you're not able to live up to your dreams you're not able to live that creative kind of life you're not able to go out there and achieve as much and so you're just living a comfortable kind of life and you're just settling and you're finding it difficult and you're finding yourself frustrated and unsatisfied and you're not quite sure why that is and I'll tell you why that is it's because you've had these subtle influences and you're not really sensitive to them I'll tell you one thing I cut out TV about three years ago I don't watch TV anymore especially cable TV I don't have cable and one of the things that I'm really sensitive to now that I didn't realize before because I used to watch TV basically since childhood up through until three years ago and so I was kind of immersed in that I was like a fish in water and I didn't notice the water and one thing that I didn't notice was the advertising right and people talk about advertising being pernicious and advertising having this influence on us and I never got that until I weeded myself off of cable TV and I totally took myself out of advertising I don't look at advertising on the internet I don't look at advertising on television and so now when I do very rarely see advertising I'm very very sensitive to it and it's very powerful like a whoa like this big hit for example I'm at the gym and sometimes I even try not to look at the TV monitors at the gym because I just don't want that influence but sometimes I'll kind of like watch the news and I'll just read the the captioning or I'll just read like the headline of the story and I just notice the like the negative effect of the news I just see it it's like whoa that's powerful I didn't notice that before because I was so immersed in it or I look at an advertising commercial and I just see this commercial for something for a movie for some product for some service and I'm like whoa like that's such a strong influence it's having such a strong influence you don't even realize it until you're off of it the same thing goes for example with food if you've played around with your diet if you've done any dieting if you've cleaned up your diet if you've gone through that process you also notice just how bad mainstream food is and how horrible of an influence it has on you and yet at the same time you also realize that when you were immersed in that when that was your reality and you didn't know any better then that was it for you and you felt like that was totally normal and that you didn't realize the the way that it was draining your energy the way was making you sleepy the way it was making you a key the way it was making you inflamed etc like one thing that I noticed right now after being on paleo for a long time is I really reduced my carbohydrate intake for for about six months and I didn't eat any sugar really or even any like whole carbohydrates so I was like a - under 50 grams of carbs per day which is really low but I kept that up just to see what kind of influence it had on my on my body fat and interesting enough what I notice now is when I go out and I eat at like I'll get you know I'll get a coffee at a Starbucks or I'll get a like I'll get a salad at some eat out place and I don't need out anymore I usually make all my own food when I go buy food that's made for like mainstream Americans what I notice is just how much sugar is ladened into everything even like some Frappuccino at Starbucks I sip on that I remember I was sipping on my girlfriend's Frappuccino just took a little sip of it and it was like BAM just this hit of sugar and I'm like that was just one little sip that was like a tablespoon of Frappuccino and this is a large cup like 2 or 3 cups of this sugar Laden Frappuccino like damn like think about that that's sugar and most people that are drinking that because they drink it every day or they drink it every week they just get so accustomed to it they don't even notice it same thing even with a salad you eat a salad and you take a vinaigrette dressing that they put on it like some raspberry vinaigrette dressing like I was eating a salad at Denny's and I noticed like damn this salad dressing has a ton of sugar in it you can just taste it and you don't notice that unless you kind of go through that process of cleaning yourself up and so that's what I'm talking about here is that some of these things are subtle and it's very easy for your body in your mind to get acclimated to them but then they can still have a big net result on your life right if you're eating that sugary salad dressing even though it's a salad it's got all that sugar in it that's making you fat that's making you inflamed that's causing you health problems if you're eating those frappuccinos there's like nothing nutritious in them at all so same thing goes there right and if you're watching a lot of television reality shows stuff that's low consciousness that's putting you in that kind of mode so you want to be more sensitive to this stuff because what's happening is that you're being boiled alive right now we do kind of live in in a negative environment and we also live in a very low consciousness environment and that's not the kind of environment that's conducive to self-actualization or living a really charged powerful life so one thing to take away from this I'm going to tell you is of course look at your diet and look at what you're feeding your consciousness it's really really important so why is this happening I think one of the problems is is that media does have a big influence and that would we grow up what happens is that our palate gets blown out and the best example I have of this and the reason I say palate is because I think about wine tasting I took a wine tasting course and I by no mean I'm horrible wine taster I don't even like wine but I took a wine tasting course and one of the things that shocked me about why tasting is that people can develop their palates so much that they can sense so much more than I would sense if I just drank a glass of wine right now and in fact the instructor that I was learning from this was a teaching company class about wine tasting and I was learning from this instructor and she was like one of the top master wine tasters in the country and these people they have to go through very rigorous training process to develop their palate so they can identify all the subtle little flavors and smells within wine to the point where they get so good that for their final test and she was telling me about this is for their final test what they do is they give them like 30 glasses of wine that are unlabeled and this wine taster for this tester is going to go through and taste each one and they have to be so good that they can identify not only what part of the world it's from they have to identify what country it's from and not just the country but which region of the country it's from so not only is this from Europe and from France but this is some Bordeaux that's from you know west of the Rhine or whatever the details might be of that example but like to me that just blew my mind because when I taste this wine I had a hard time I remember buying a couple of different just varieties I bought like a a Cabernet and it's Avignon right and then like a Pinot and I had a hard time even distinguishing those three which two and experienced even a moderately experienced taster would be like a no-brainer but since I never drink wine for me it was really challenging it was really frustrating because people would be drinking this wine and they'd be talking about all these subtle things and to me it's like all I get is a big hit of alcohol because I don't even drink alcohol so for me even alcohol is very overwhelming but then I also get this bitterness and the sourness and then that like just like my palate doesn't handle it it hasn't developed at my brain literally hasn't wired itself to be sensitive enough to taste and smell those different things so my palate is underdeveloped so I think part of the reason is that we have underdeveloped palates as we're growing up in this culture that we grew up in because what's happening is that the media and everything else is telling us that we should be expecting climax after climax after climax we should be expecting kind of a lot for a little in life right and that's kind of like well you go to your job and at your job you get a huge paycheck you'd have to put in a lot of work you get a huge paycheck and when you go to a movie it should be an awesome movie that just thrills you and blast you and it's kind of like a Hollywood blockbuster movie right it's these causing and we're like when you eat a we need a burger with some fries like the fries need to be all greasy the burger needs to be juicy with a bunch of bacon in it and bold flavors like barbecue sauce and hot sauce and mayo and and just like overwhelming flavor right like we want to be overwhelmed as a culture and we want to be like wowed and like bam bam bam bold strong exciting and that's all well and good but the problem is that when you do get too much of that you start to lose sensitivity to those subtle things in life for example I had this with with hot sauce I love hot sauce especially Cholula and what I would do is for a long time I would douse all my food with Cholula all the time especially like breakfast food and then I started transitioning not only dousing my breakfast food but I would douse lunch and dinner just food food food with hot sauce what happened was that literally I was blowing out my palate because all I could taste was this hot sauce it was so bold that I liked it but on the other hand when I started getting into cooking and I started watching shows like Top Chef and learning about the nuances of cooking and the different flavor combinations you could have my palate was blown out because I was so tempted to just douse hot sauce and everything but that's not good when you're trying to learn to cook because there you want the subtle flavors you want to have didn't a sense of distinction between different spices like black pepper and white pepper and pink pepper and some of the other flavors that you can put in a queue Minh and and some cinnamon and some clove and all this other stuff so you can create these rich and complex dishes but what happens when you create this subtle rich complex dish and you hand it someone to someone and then they pour half a bottle of Cholula over it and they scoff it down what happens are they really appreciating the nuances and the subtlety that's in that dish no right and that's literally what's happening with mainstream I think life that's what happens if you're living kind of the ordinary mediocre life in America is that you are very much overwhelmed by the the media you're overwhelmed by the movies that are out there you're overwhelmed by the commercials you're overwhelmed by what people are telling you that you should expect out of life and you know what you're missing kind of the more subtle aspects of life for example when you do Weiner self off of that dirty American diet and you put yourself or on a clean diet then you become much more sensitive to things like sugar and fat and you become very sensitive to the effect that has on your mental performance and the your physical performance and how you look you become very sensitive to that stuff and then all of a sudden you get a deeper appreciation you build nuances you build distinctions you basically build up a mental palette for food and then the same thing could happen when you're doing self actualization work and you're doing personal development work for example with meditation or with things like journaling techniques like journaling or doing affirmations or visualizations if you take a normal person who's kind of gone down that that low consciousness spiral and he's in a low conscious of state and you tell him you know what why don't you meditate for 20 minutes every day and then after that do 10 minutes of journaling and then do 10 minutes of affirmations and then do 10 minutes of visualizations so all in all that's like an hour of work that you're going to do these different techniques and then see the effect this has on your life for the first few weeks that he does that if he even gets that far which most people never will because they're so low consciousness that even hand their mind can't even handle that but let's say he goes and he tries that out what's going to happen he's not even to notice the effect that this is having it's not going to be strong enough because his mind has been blown out by the culture by the media that's out there he's been overstimulated and so now he's not even sensitive to this stuff he's not going to be sensitive to it and you give him some supplements he's not going to send him to that and you clean up his diet for a week or two and he's not even gonna be sensitive today he's going to say well it's not a big deal I can still go back to eating the the garbage that I was eating at before but when you put him on that for a couple of months and you really wean him off of it he starts to develop the appreciation that's necessary to really get those things to be sustainable in your life right you need some time to develop an appreciation for what journaling can do in your life and the effect that it can have because at first it's subtle but then it also accumulates and the subtlety it incrementally builds up to something really large and something really profound and the same thing with meditation and the same thing with reading books and the same thing with taking supplements same thing with cleaning up your diet and going to the gym and eliminating negative thinking right a lot of the things that we are not aware of is the thoughts and emotions that we're having day to day and how that's influencing the trajectory of our lives and the reason that people do not reach that self-actualized state because they're always anxious they're worrying they're stressed they're not realizing how their thoughts and how their consciousness is shaping their life in their reality they think that life just kind of rolls along and that they get a lucky break here they get a lucky break there sometimes they're able to to make something happen sometimes they're not but really what's happening is that their thoughts are influencing them on such a profound level it's a subtle level but it's also a very big level that they're missing out on all the gains that could be made there so then what I tend to notice is that you go into self development you read a book and you read about this technique and then you see it and you try and you're like well I didn't really get much from it that's why because you haven't developed the appreciation and the palette and I think this point can be even broadened out even deeper and even larger is people are stopping and are not appreciating the beauty of what life is and what reality is they're like disconnected from it because they get hooked on something like easy stimulation and easy source of stimulation like they get hooked on television and then when you watch a you know like a blockbuster movie in the comfort of your house eating eating a bag of oily salty popcorn and you've got all these this bold stimulation right the flavor of the popcorn in your mouth and then the awesome movie before you and they made the amazing special effects and you've got the 3d sound system and you've got this awesome lazy chair that you're sitting in and you've got your cold sugary coke with nice ice in it and maybe you've got a nice warm blanket around you and maybe you're sitting there with your spouse or your girlfriend or whatever and you're enjoying this that's very comfortable this very easy life right and when you're enjoying that it's very hard than to say to that person okay why don't you just go and sit in a corner close your eyes and meditate for 20 minutes what do you think they're going to pick right it's a no-brainer no one's going to want to go to meditate because meditation is a subtle is a subtle it's like a subtle pleasure it's not this bold overwhelming sense of like damn awesome this is awesome it doesn't feel that way even though sometimes you can get those moments it's like a cleaner level of pleasure that you get it's a it's a different type of pleasure it's the same different type of pleasure that you get when you're tasting a good glass of wine or you're eating a fine and it's not overblown with sugar and salt and hot sauce and barbecue sauce right it's that same it's that same difference and the same thing goes for when you tell that person to go and to create a career for themselves or find a life calling at first they might say well you know I have to put in all this work and this work is so hard it's so challenging I just want like the end result and George Leonard talks about this in his book mastery is that culture has really kind of Don hooked us on this idea of of looking for the climax all the time commercials will promise us the magic pill right the get-rich-quick solution to whatever kind of problem that you have but there's there's like a subtlety to life that is being missed out there it's that mastery process because when you're in that mastery process you're going through and you're being diligent about it and yeah there's hard work and yeah it's not exciting it's not as exciting as as playing a video game or maybe going to a party or taking some drugs or eating a greasy hamburger or watching an awesome movie it's not that level of excitement but there's a certain level of excitement which you can make a case is even more profound and more rewarding and ultimately more fulfilling when for example going through this mastery process of mastering your career or when you're doing meditation or when you're doing some journaling or when you're doing visualization there's like pleasure there that I feel is really really underrated and most people are missing out on because of the low consciousness high consciousness difference most people are just stuck in too low of a consciousness to experience those higher consciousness feelings and they're not pursuing high consciousness values there's low consciousness values like immediate gratification of pleasure you know eating a nice meal maybe taking a hit of a drug watching some television or like kicking ass at work and getting getting some congratulations from your boss or something like that or earning some earning an extra bonus on top of your paycheck like those are low consciousness values you can pursue those and there's nothing wrong with a certain amount of fat but I think too much of it gets you stuck in that low consciousness state and then eventually you get frustrated because you know you're not living up to your self actualized state to your higher values and higher values are things like pursuing beauty and appreciating beauty and pursuing truth and justice and excellence you know these things and these when you tell someone to pursue those and to pursue calmness and peacefulness and excellence and beauty in their life they're going to laugh at you if they're in a low consciousness state because is comparing those two values like these are ethereal very subtle values these are really bold in-your-face immediate values and so when you're hooked on those you want that that immediate hit but what you can do is you can retrain yourself to get hooked on those higher values and that is just amazing when you do that when you start to make that transition you slowly go through the process of weaning yourself off of the low consciousness values and putting yourself towards pursuing the high consciousness values your life becomes so fulfilling that's when you start reading reaching that self actualized state and you start living that kind of it like really exciting rewarding like deeply fulfilling life that makes you happy not just in a short term but in the long term and you're always optimistic and you're always you're learning more you're living on your edge and that's just like an amazing feeling that I want for you it's the feeling that I want for myself and I'm always trying to see where I can get more of that feeling in my life but the larger point that I wanted to expand this out to is that really people are missing out on the beauty of life right it's kind of like we have all this stimulation and we're so numb to it that when we walk outside and we just see a tree or we see the Sun not even a sunset just the Sun out in the sky where we see the stars or we see we see a car on the street or we see we look into someone's face as where as we're buying something at the store right we're not really appreciating kind of the uniqueness of life that same feeling that you had when you were a kid and all this stuff was new and fresh you were very sensitive to it and you took a certain joy in it just being in it being in reality right now just looking at this monitor right now looking at this video right now how amazing is it that we have this technology that you can look at it like there's light coming into your eyes all this stuff is working all this stuff is beautiful you don't need some special beautiful sunset to see beauty there's beauty everywhere you can pick up a leaf and like examine it really closely and just take a look at the structure of the leaf and the veins in that leaf and you can see the little specks of dirt on it maybe there's a little insect on it and there's a little smudge and just the color of that leaf the way it feels the texture of it the way it smells and you can just look at that leaf and you can see the beauty in it but how many of us stop and do that on a daily basis I know I don't I don't do nearly enough of that but I want to do more of it because that is where you get real enjoyment of life because when you're getting yourself overstimulated by these bold sensations by these bold flavors you can never get enough and eventually what it does is it makes you a slug it makes you a slug because what you want to do is you just want to kind of sit back and you want to be spoon-fed really the best of the best you want to be spoon-fed the best of the best of the sensations in the world and what happens is that eventually it's like you get hooked on drugs it's literally like shooting yourself with heroin every day what happens is that if you do that for a long enough time then the pleasures that we normally would like like eating a nice piece of food or even watching a TV show that is typically pleasurable or not to even mention those higher pleasures like watching a nice sunset or having sex any of that like all of that pales in comparison because you're so numb from the heroin that now like what is going to beat that heroin nothing and all you want is you want more that heroin that's literally what you're doing except on a more subtle level when you hook yourself on TV and low consciousness media and low-quality food and negative thinking you're blowing out your palate and you're not being sensitive and it's almost impossible to do personal development from that state so my prescription here is I want you to be really aware of this first of all I want you to start becoming more sensitive to everything that's happening in your life so for example when you wake up in the morning and you wake up 15 minutes late and you hit that snooze button five times I want you to now be more aware of the effect that has on your consciousness and on the rest of your day it might be a strong effect it might be a subtle one so what's going to happen is you're 15 minutes late but not only are you late in reality like there's 15 minutes of time that maybe now you have to scramble you're not doing the stuff you need to be doing before you get to work but it's also what is the effect on your mind on your brain does it make you more stressed making more panicky does that all of a sudden trigger a chain of negative thoughts to start rolling in your mind does it kill that sense of peace that you'd like to have does it make you less fulfilled or more fulfilled in life I want you to start asking these questions and just start noticing what that one little activity does throughout your day how does that connect that chain of reason and connect it you know if you have a string of those days and if you have a whole year like that what is that going to do to your whole year and then what's that going to do to your whole life if your whole life is lived like that you're waking up 15 minutes late and hitting the snooze button three times in a row and then that's just one example there's so many different areas in your life where you can do this right what is the effect of the lunch that you have what effect does that have what about the habitual thoughts that you have what about the thoughts you have in the shower when you're in the shower are you thinking about how bad your relationship is are you thinking about how bad it's going to be to get into work and and talk to your boss about the new project that you're working on are you thinking about your bills and how you're going to pay them and struggling with those what is the effect of that what is that effect on your success and what is the effect on your ultimate fulfillment in life right start getting sensitive and the best way to start getting sensitive is to find the sources that are over stimulating that are blowing out your palate and eliminate them so right now sit down identify at least three sources in your life that are putting you in a low cautious of state that are honoring low consciousness values that you could potentially eliminate and raise yourself up and clean up your palate a little bit so what might that be television cable news internet news internet browsing and internet gossip celebrity news tabloids negative friends that you might be hanging out with the food that you're eating the things that you're failing to do in your life like the positive habits that you're failing to stay on on top of any kind of drugs that you're taking any kind of addictive behaviors that you have consider all those and find the three find three that are blowing out your palate right now and what I want you to do is I want you to commit to eliminating those because what you're going to notice that if you make an honest commitment and you really cut those out let's say you cut out TV you cut out alcohol and maybe you cut out the worst of the worst food so maybe you cut down on soda or sugary drinks juices and sodas you cut all that out do that for a month and just notice after a month and it still might be a subtle shift but yeah if you stay sensitive you can start to notice the effect that this has and what's going to do it's going to it's going to make you go up that high consciousness spiral it's going to put you in a better position to be more sensitive and appreciative of the complexity and a subtle beauty of life and it's going to also make you happier it's going to make you more successful and be in a position where you can perform much better but ultimately what I want for you is to use this just as an example because this is one example I don't agers do this once this is a philosophy that you're taking towards life is that you're expanding your sensitivity and you're making a conscious choice to suppress the stuff that is honoring the low consciousness values and to elevate the stuff that's on honoring the high consciousness values this is what you have to do to get self actualized alright I'm going to wrap it up here go ahead and comment I want to hear what you what you think about this topic also like it share it link to it spread it around your friends I want this content to spread around because it's free that's why I make it free and then of course go to actualised org for more videos just like this one all right this is Leo signing off you